Monday, May 14, 2007

My New Site!

The long anticipated site change. Here in Peace Corps Mali - in general - it's pretty easy to change sites. That means moving to a new location because of security, health or work issues. Peace Corps staff wants you to be happy and will help to accommodate that. In my case, I haven't ever really felt connected to Douentza and back in February I made the ultimate decision to leave. I had tried to push myself - to force myself to love it in Douentza. To be hard core and not need the ltitle things to help keep me going. But after considerable thought, and good conversation with other PCVs, I've decided that I just need to be happy and do what I need to do in order to make my service here a success.

Before I came to the States I asked my supervisor to help me locate a new site. Well, I moved into Sevare - which is about 2 hours from Douentza and I'm familiar with it already because I go there to do banking and we have a Peace Corps Office there where we can chill or take care of business. After a long, hot week sitting in Douentza catching up on reading with ice water in hand and a fan at my face, I finally was able to move last Wednesday. Packing up everything was kind of final, but the fact that I was getting away from my mouse infested house was reason enough to make me feel really good.

Here's my new house in Sevare -

Before everything was moved inside - here's the facade of my house.

Come on, you know a shower and toilet would make anyone happy! Admittedly, I will probably still use the outhouse at times - for nostalgia if for nothing else.

After I had cleaned the floors I bought nails for cement walls and did a little decorating. I'm very happy!

And then as far as my new job is concerned, I don't know a million things about it, but here's what I do know. It's a Dairy Co-op named Suudu Baaba which is essentially the equivilent of Dad's House or something along the lines of family cooking. Kind of hard to translate. Anyway, they have a bunch of cows that they milk each day and then bring the milk to their store where they already own a pasturizing machine - I was amazed - and then they package milk and yogurt. They have been very successful to date and I can only see it getting better for them. I'll be helping with internal management and business skills, but honestly you will soon see photos of me milking cows and making milk. How awesome is that? I've really only sat down with my counterpart and the organization for about an hour, but already I know I'll be loving it and it just feels right. I don't think I've ever felt this way about a job - and we all know I've had plenty! Needless to say, it's a perfect match and I can't wait to get started on some substantial work.

More to come soon!