Well, it's been about a month since I've been here and a lot has stayed the same, but there are some new developments. The major thing is that I'm leaving tomorrow to visit my permanent site! It's a city called Douentza, east of Mopti about 2 hours. I'm going to be working with a radio station and internet cafe, as a primary project, and also working on tourism in my freetime. The information I was given wasn't too descriptive, so I don't know everything that's going on. However, after my 12 to 13 hour bus ride tomorrow, I should know a little more. It's great because I'm going to be going with a whole new group of people that I don't really know yet. So, it's exciting to meet and get to know the people who I'll be spending the next two years with. The other really good thing is that I'm at the same site with someone else. His name is Fikru, and he's Ethiopian-American and his French is amazing! So, it'll be really good for the first couple of weeks until I really get on my feet with my language skills. I'm also starting my new language this week, and that'll be interesting also because I have a tutor who I can work with all week.
I know it's not too much of an update, but my mind is kind of all over the place preparing myself for tomorrow's travel! I'll be back in a week though, and be sure to let you all know how my new site is.