I’ve finally returned from Bamako and In Service Training. It was a really great time! Not only seeing friends and reconnecting and learning a lot of stuff, it was nice to get away from Mali and get back to Americaland – which is what we call our training center. I weighed myself at the medical office the first day I was in town and was pleasantly surprised to see that I lost 30 lbs. I didn’t think it was that much, but it was. However, after eating two full and hearty meals a day, I gained probably 7 of it back. Not to worry, hot season is rapidly approaching and I have a feeling I’ll lose another 20, at least.
Anyway, in addition to learning lots, my friends Josh and Cara thought it would be a good idea to build a mud wrestling pit. We needed an excuse to bond more and this certainly turned out to be a good one. I don’t even need to say how awesome it was because the pictures included will prove it.

Action shot of Greg taking Aaron down. The mud splatter on the crowd was awesome!
Me and Merv, my first competitor. Yeah, I took her down pretty quickly as she screamed, "Damn, you're strong!"
Me, pretty pleased with my work thus far. This is Kyle next to me who wrestled in college. Yeah, he was hardcore all day long.

Group shot with everyone super muddy. Merv and I apparently hadn't had enough because we started fighting again.

But here's a real group shot where we all managed to look "normal." Don't worry, the wrestling continued after this too. It's never over with us Beluschi's!
There's talk about a gravy wrestling tournament coming up using all the gravy packets that come in care packages. I never thought I'd say this, but I really hope I'm around for it.