Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Antics in the States

I came back to Tennesse on February 22nd, thinking I’d be home for two weeks to see my Mom and take care of her after Ed’s sudden death. It’s now April 10th and I’m still here!!! Never thought that would happen. Even though I’m working on getting back to Mali, it’s a slow process. Here’s an idea of what I’ve been up to…

I took my Mom to see Alan Jackson (the other love of her life) at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville and then we went to the Melting Pot and had chocolate fondue.

Mom standing with an Alan Jackson cardboard cutout.

Mom and I standing infront of the Grand Ole Opry House.
Alan Jackson's live performance. He sang our favorite song, "It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere."

After the Opry I introduced my Mom to the amazingness that is the Melting Pot. Chocolate fondue never tasted so good.

Then, Jose invited me to Tampa, FL to visit him and see his home. It just happened to be a birthday gift. Oh, and did I mention he took me to DISNEY WORLD??? We had a blast!

Mickey Mouse! Alright, true, I am 23. But it was my first time seeing him!
Pooh, Jose, Eeyore, Me, and Tigger. Come on, how cute are we?

If you don't know my addiction to these penny machine, come on vacation with me! I was thrilled when I saw them. This was in Morocco at Epcot.

Jose and I at the end of the day at Epcot. We were waiting for the fireworks show.

Good ole' American food at Magic Kingdom. Ever eat a turkey leg? It was tasty.

Amazing fireworks show at Magic Kingdom. This picture couldn't have come out better. I can't wait to go back!

And then my sister came home for a week on vacation just to chill and hang out.

Me, Mom and Beth.

Beth, aka Dr. Dolittle, calling all the dogs and giving them treats.

Moose thinking it's a good idea to bite Mom's hand off. Just joking, she was acting!

What’s next to come? Hopefully a return to Mali before I eat any more bad-for-me American food!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Tribute to a Great Man

Ed driving the boat we rented on Tim's Ford Lake, near our home in Tennessee.

On February 11, 2007 – while Jose and I were vacationing in Timbuktu – my Mom called me with tragic news that Ed, her fiancé and the love of her life, was killed in an accident. I was so far away and felt terrible that I wasn’t there to console her. Ed had just taken a job with a company where he was on the road driving a truck/tractor trailer across the country. He was on his way home for a Valentine’s Day surprise when the accident occurred in West Virginia.

Even though I wasn’t home to console my Mom, my brother and sister and other friends and family were able to pick up where I couldn’t, and see my Mom through this tough time. They were fabulous. Flowers and cards were sent, everyone who could come did, and despite the circumstances, everything was under control. Thanks to all of you who were there and who sent your condolences.

I just want everyone to know how important Ed was, not only for my Mom, but for me and our family. We had some really great times with him and he was a very supportive father for me. He supported me in DC at school and in my decisions to move across the world to help others. Most importantly, he loved and cared about us.

Here’s just a small tribute to you, Ed. We miss you and love you.

Ed and Mom at her 50th birthday party.

Me, Mom, Ed and our waiter on our Carribbean cruise.

The funeral was held in Tennessee on February 16, 2007. May you rest in peace.

Gorgeous floral heart from my brother, sister and I. Included is a photo of my Mom and Ed from one of their cruises together.