I took my Mom to see Alan Jackson (the other love of her life) at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville and then we went to the Melting Pot and had chocolate fondue.

Mom standing with an Alan Jackson cardboard cutout.

Then, Jose invited me to Tampa, FL to visit him and see his home. It just happened to be a birthday gift. Oh, and did I mention he took me to DISNEY WORLD??? We had a blast!
Jose and I at the end of the day at Epcot. We were waiting for the fireworks show.
Good ole' American food at Magic Kingdom. Ever eat a turkey leg? It was tasty.
Amazing fireworks show at Magic Kingdom. This picture couldn't have come out better. I can't wait to go back!
And then my sister came home for a week on vacation just to chill and hang out.
Beth, aka Dr. Dolittle, calling all the dogs and giving them treats.

Moose thinking it's a good idea to bite Mom's hand off. Just joking, she was acting!
What’s next to come? Hopefully a return to Mali before I eat any more bad-for-me American food!