Well, it's was a bright and cheery day when the elephants of Mali and Burkina Faso were sought out and found by on Mali volunteer (Me) and five Guinea volunteers who have recently relocated to Mali after being evacuated from Guinea for political reasons. Anyway...it was Cinco de Mayo and we were having a party in Douentza but Cathleen organized the tour of the elephants. I won't go into much detail except to say that the 3.5 hour transport to and from could have been a little more fun. And the thorn that I got embedded into my heel was equally not as fun. But oh well, right? Here are some of the photos.
Elephant footprints made during rainy season and all dried up now.

Jackpot! One of the long legged, short tusked elephants of Burkina Faso/Mali area.

My favorite photo of the day - goats with the elephant background. It kind of looks like he wants to charge at me. Luckily, that didn't happen!
I'm not sure what the next animal adventure is, but I will be going to Ghana soon! Looking forward to posting about that.