Seeing that MaryVirginia is by far my best friend in country, and seeing that she had already trekked up here to Sevare to visit me, it was long past due that I went to her site. I was in luck, because it happened to be en brusse, as they say here (middle of nowhere, for you non-French speakers). After arriving in her market town, it was about a 10 km ride to Debela. I didn’t think I would make it. I’m just not used to biking 10 km anywhere. But, we arrived. It’s a quaint little village and I loved it. It was dark/late when we got there so we showered and chilled and greeted every single member of her family who gave me each a million blessings. It was nice to have a family to come home to. Needless to say, the week en brusse was spent meeting her friends and counterparts and getting to see what her every day life if. She always says there’s nothing to do en brusse – which is true – but for me, coming from the busy city, it was a welcomed change/relief. Here are some highlights from the week:
Field Work:
I haven’t had the opportunity to go out into the fields and bring the year’s harvest in. Well, in Debela I sure did! The women were working on either millet or sorghum and though it had already been taken off of the stalks, now was the sifting time. Mixed altogether was millet, dirt, pebbles/rocks, stalks and probably other stuff that I ignored. So, earlier in the morning before I got there a car came out and drove over all of the millet to break it up and off of the stalks. What was left needed to be swept into piles and then sifted until only the good part – the millet was left. Of course, we only worked for maybe a little over an hour because they were all like, “Oh, you poor thing, you must be tired. We know you’re not used to this, why don’t you go sit down and rest.” Um, okay.

Using the power of wind and gravity to separate the millet from the sand and other debris.
Love this photo - all of the women working together.

And then there's me, sweeping millet into piles to later to separated.
Cotton Fun:
Also being in my comfy city – in the North might I mention – I haven’t seen cotton growing, let alone huge piles just asking to be jumped in. After biking back from MaryVirginia’s market town, we spotted the cotton and politely asked the farmer if we could “look at the cotton.” Either MaryVirginia didn’t know how to ask if we could jump in the cotton in Bambara, or she already knew the answer. Before he could think twice about saying yes, the fun had already started.
On our ride back from M'Pessoba.
Piles of cotton ready to be piled in a big truck and taken away. Not before they could be jumped around in though!
MaryVirginia taking flight and landing in the cotton.
These action shots are great - me landing in a pile of cotton while Malians watch and think that we're crazy.
MaryVirginia took this picture of me and later exclaimed, "This should be in National Geographic!" I'm thrilled and throwing cotton in the air.
MaryVirginia and me getting into trouble!
MaryVirginia in her Element:
Like I said, any part of going to village is meeting and greeting all friends and family and pretty much anyone MaryVirginia has ever mentioned. I love this though, because you get to put a name – and stories – with a face and plus, we’re all proud of our site friends and family. So, here is the Debela rundown…
This is Randy - that's his American name, named after MaryVirginia's brother - and he's apparently either teething or starving because her arm sure was tasting good.
MaryVirginia with her matron's daughter.
I could make something ridiculous up for this photo, but it's just MaryVirginia loving the Debela donkies.
Greetings are important and photos of them are too. Her Dad even changed into nice clothes just for the photo.
Mom and Police...look how cute he is.
The debauchery continues after Christmas and for New Years when MaryVirginia and I will get together again. Stay tuned.