Oh, that time of year that rolls around when those you entered Peace Corps with leave – and leave you behind to continue your journey through Mali. We had our Close of Service Party in Sevare on August 22nd and it was the last time that all of the Belushi’s (my group of volunteers) were together. We had a chill evening with Mexican food and dancing and of course the unveiling of the Group Banner. Every group gets a spot on the banner and it’s something that is created by the group who arrived after you, because they’re the ones that are going to know you better than other groups. So, for us, the Belushi’s, our good friends Christopher and Kate designed and embroidered an amazing rendition of the Blues Brothers. They meaning behind it was that we were all paired up at our sites – Eric and Fikru in Douentza, Christopher and Dan meeting in Sevaré, and Beth and I in Sevaré also. So, it seemed perfect that Dan Ackroyd and John Belushi be on our banner.

Mopti Kaw Belushi's!
Of course we had to pose with our “significant other” for the tribute:
Eric and Fikru - Douentza
Dan and Christopher - or Cran DiKreynco
Me and Beth - or Seth!
To the Mopti kaw Belushis – we’ve had a great 2 years together and lots of memories will remain forever. Thanks for making me a stronger and better person and I hope that we can Mopti kaw reunion in the near future!