Because I'm not working on a community health initiative, I had the idea that we should have an event for World AIDS Day. We're in the process of building a clinic and we're trying to get the word out to the community that we are an organization that is here to help and promote better health practices. We've mainly been focusing on malaria because it's a huge problem here in Mali, but I felt we had a chance to branch out. We invited a local organization call DJEKAFO along with CESAC who does HIV testing. The information that was given out was helpful and we had a decent turnout. Convincing Malian's to get HIV tested is pretty difficult, but we were able to get 40 volunteers!

DJEKAFO presenting their educational materials on HIV/AIDS and explaining the importance of knowing your status and not judging those around you who may be HIV positive.

Oumou Camara, a member of the microfinance committee, and Madame Niare - both CHAG members - waiting for community members to arrive.
Later in the afternoon, we had a tombola (raffle) and a football (soccer) game to get more people out. If there's anything that can pull a crowd, it's a football game. So, we got the word out early and sold tickets for the tombola - all of the proceeds going to the community's contribution for their new clinic - and raffled off buckets filled with needed goods: spaghetti, sugar, milk, notebooks, pens, etc. We raised about 60,000 CFA ($120) in the raffle! During the selling of the final tickets, a pretty awesome game was had. Because of the political differences between the neighborhoods that we work in, there was a lot riding on the game in terms of pride. Sikoroni played Sourakabougou and Sourakabougou won!
It was a great day and it was nice to see our Community Health Action Group (CHAG) get involved and spread the world and get the community to give back to themselves in the form of their clinic. It's been an uphill battle, but I think we're getting there!