The theme of the long weekend was: Sara out on the town. Friday night, the GW crowd got together at Cafe Citron and while it was delightful to see everyone, I was shocked that few wanted to continue the dinner party and transform it into a real party. Lana, roommate and friend extrodinnaire and Megan, study abroad pal and travel parter in Europe, accompanied me out to The Park, a new bar/club in DC. Not going to lie, I had a fabulous time! Music that I've missed for 2 years came blaring back into my ears - so much that I had ringing in my ear for 2 days afterward! - and dancing with the ladies was a great time. Photographic evidence does exist of the debauchery that night and for your viewing pleasure we have a before and an after shot of the 3 of us:
After leaving and Megan telling a police officer that some random man said her boots were ugly, it was evident we needed to get into a cab. We all got home safely and regretted the amount that was consumed the next day!
I had to recover most of Saturday and didn't leave the house until the evening, when it was time to go out and have a smaller repeat of the Friday night. Paul, my best friend in the whole world, didn't have to work, so we decided to hit up Nelly's and then go to Town. Some Peace Corps friends came to Nelly's and we chatted about the good ole' days - the ones I'm still living - and they talked about how America and Mali just aren't the same. Having been away from Mali for so long, it was good to see them and prepare myself for my return.
Paul and I hung around Nelly's for awhile awaiting the barrage of men who would shortly be making their way over to the newest, hottest club around. We probably danced for 2 or 3 hours and Paul was less than sober when we caught a cab and headed for Adam's Morgan. But not for more drinking. If not for more drinking, than what would one actually head to Adam's Morgan for at 2:30 AM? Oh right, JUMBO SLICE! Now, if you've never enjoyed a piece of Jumbo Slice, seriously consider a vacation to DC and a long, fun night in Adam's Morgan. Just look at the size of these slices!
Needless to say, seeing everyone was refreshing and catching up to see where everyone has landed is also interesting. Some are where they wanted to be, others aren't, but they're still happy. It gives me hope for not being absolutely positive of what I'm going to do.
To everyone, thanks for showing me a great time.
To Paul - I love you and I'm so proud of you. I can't wait to see you again.
And she's back to Mali....