More will be added later, perhaps in a How Far Will You Go - Part 2 section. But for now, enjoy.
Me and MaryVirginia in Dogon Country - Going the Distance.

Me and MaryVirginia in Dogon Country - Clearly we took lots of photos there!

Me and MaryVirginia watching the sunrise - how romantic!
MaryVirginia in Indelou - I think we'll submit this for the Peace Corps catalog!
This is me traversing the cliffs in Dogon Country. These are "dogon ladders" to help, but I was the last one to cross/scared out of my mind. I won't even mention how high up we were.
Me on a canopy walkway in a national park in Ghana. Despite having malaria look how happy I am!
Me and Dan, my regionmate, and our two friends, "Mohammed and Ali."
Party at Chez Sara - Heather, Me, Beth and Cathleen. Rooftop parties in Mali are a definite saving grace.
Me and Beth, my current teammate. It's great to have good friends close by.
So, this is us, parts of Team Mali, seeing "How Far We'll Go," and it's going well, despite the constant ups and downs. Next time, maybe I'll actually post pictures of me working! I'll do that at the same time I unveil my top-secret project.
A toute a l'heure!